
10 Interesting Facts About Dating You Should Know

Interesting Facts About Dating

DATING, an exciting way of meeting new people (in some cases your better half), getting to know them, sipping on a luxurious wine flavour while engaging in endless conversation, walking hand-in-hand amidst the cool breeze admiring the beauty of the city, laughing aimlessly at jokes you though you never can, and that trickling adrenaline rush when we have our first kiss!

Oh god! Dating does make you feel like you’ve never felt before. It makes all of us really happy.

And who knows, you might as well meet the love of your life on a date, and finally, settle with that one particular person of your dreams.

(PS: We just felt the jitters and thrills of thinking about our first date)

But you see, the thing is, biology does play a role in Dating or Falling in Love.

Our romanticized culture has made us prone to looks, smiles, bio, location, and all the other things we observe in guys and gals on dating apps.

If you’ve gone on dates before, you’ve probably experienced it, but don’t you think that every date is different, just like every person?

Dating is pretty much a straightforward concept. You click with someone, you like the attitude, way of talking, how they make you feel, whether they love listening or speaking, their taste in music and food, and whatnot!

But dating is way beyond that!

Only if you would’ve known some interesting facts about dating, you could’ve avoided some bad decisions and heartbreaks in the process.

But not to worry peeps!

Consider this article to be your wingman. Because the details mentioned forward will only make you a smart and conscientious dating partner.

So, let’s explore 10 interesting facts about dating!

10 Interesting Facts About Dating You Should Know

Fact #1: Copulatory gaze does the trick

You’ve ever seen deep into someone’s eyes and suddenly you get goosebumps, you start feeling this utter rush of hormones, and all you want to do is grab that person and tell them how much you like them!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is the power of eye contact, aka copulatory gaze.

As per dating experts, this is the single most powerful tool for attracting a potential date for both men and women. If two people can converse their emotions through their eyes, you are in for a long-term, loving, caring, and dreamy relationship.

Maybe, the person might become your soulmate or lifetime partner too!

Fact #2: You can be attracted to their personality but not the person 

What’s the difference, you ask?

When you’re getting to know someone, you might genuinely enjoy their company, love spending time with them, like how other people respect them but still won’t be physically attracted to him/her.

And that is completely normal.

Being attracted to someone’s personality and not the person is similar to liking romantic movies but not Titanic (I know it’s impossible!). It means you are attracted to parts of them but not just their heart.

But it doesn’t mean if you aren’t attracted to them yet, it won’t happen ever.

So, stop feeling bad about yourself.

Fact #3: Nerve cells are more active during the first years of love 

Do you know why you like everything the other person does, not hate them for all the silly things they do during the initial dating period and not post that?

Well, it’s because of a protein called the Nerve Growth Factor that thrives during the first years of being in love. Also, it is kind of important for certain sympathetic and sensory nerve functions.

That is why you’re more forgiving and loving during young love and not later.

Fact #4: Dating is as addictive as cocaine or nicotine

And yes, serial daters do exist!

When you meet a person for the first time, it releases a chemical called dopamine during the early attraction period. But this hormone is also released when using cocaine and nicotine.

Dopamine particularly gives you a rush of pleasure and happiness, which is what makes those drugs so addictive. It also activates testosterone, which, as stated above, is essential for attraction.

So, dating is much better than doing drugs because both activities make you feel the same way.

Fact #5: You are generally attracted to a person with a different immune system. 

One of the most interesting facts about dating you should know, and mostly a bizarre one as well, but we are attracted to people with a different immune system.

As per research, when women were asked to smell the unwashed T-shirts of men (I know it’s gross!), they preferred the smell of a man’s t-shirt whose immune system was different than their own.

What a fact, right?

Fact #6: Over 17% of marriages commence with online dating

Modern dating is empowered by technology, making it easy to find your soulmates. Online dating has helped so many people find their perfect partners. This is why one in five relationships and nearly one in six marriages begin from online dating.

With people getting super busy with work and stuff, online dating presents them with an opportunity to talk to complete strangers on the internet, get to know them and give themselves a chance to find their life partner.

So, the ladies and gentlemen out there, get ready to indulge in a Meet Cute with your future partner.

Fact #7: Women run some mathematics in their minds when approached by a guy

Women run some mathematics in their mind when approached by a guy

Women love men who take the first step towards them and gets their heart all racing and their adrenaline pumping through their nerves.

That said, women can be very judgemental (not the bad kind but the good one) when approached by a man. Research has found that women will base 55% of their first or initial impression of a man on his appearance and body language, 38% on this speaking style, and 7% on what he is actually talking about.

Also for men, if their female companion is enjoying her time with them, she will often smile at your jokes, play with her hair, fidget with objects like a champagne glass, blush when given a compliment, pout her mouth, stumble over overworks and lean in towards them in a kind of sexy way.

Fact #8: we are attracted to those to look or smell like our parents

Truth be told, if your partner looks, smells, or treats you like one of your parents, you love the comfort it gives, and that is what sticks you two bunnies together.

For example, if you’re a female and your father wears a certain cologne, that is a comforting and familiar scent for you. And if somebody else were to walk in wearing that cologne and sit along with you, you will find it relaxing.

It makes total sense, even if your friends say it doesn’t.

Fact #9: We love to date people who look like ourselves

We love to date people who look like ourselves

Quite a selfish and self-centric fact, but it is true!

Keeping aside physical features like hair colour, eye colour, etc., we tend to be attracted to people with the same ear lobe lengths, metabolic rates, lung capacity, height, etc.

I know this might be hard to believe, but our body does bring all these things into consideration when we are falling head over heels in love with someone or beginning to date someone.

Fact #10: A few arguments every now and then are great for your relationship

Happily ever after is not a fairy tale

Remember this; neither you nor your partner are perfect human beings.

Even Adam and Eve weren’t perfect, and they were like the first human beings on Earth, at a time when nobody knew what imperfection was! 

Jokes apart, if something isn’t going right with your relationship, go vocal. As per research, it has been found that an occasional outburst of arguments is actually great for a relationship. 

It lets you talk about things that bother you and help get to know the other person better.

So, if you don’t like it, talk about it!

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Fact #11: More than half of people lie on their dating profiles

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, more than half of online daters (57%) have lied on their profile. The most common lies are about appearance, age, and relationship status.

Here are some of the most common lies people tell on their dating profiles:

  • Height: Men are more likely than women to lie about their height, with 1 in 3 men saying they are taller than they actually are.
  • Weight: Women are more likely than men to lie about their weight, with 1 in 4 women saying they are lighter than they actually are.
  • Age: People of all ages are likely to lie about their age, with 1 in 5 people saying they are younger than they actually are.
  • Relationship status: People who are married or in a relationship are more likely to lie about their status, with 1 in 4 people saying they are single when they are not.

There are a few reasons why people lie on their dating profiles. Some people do it to make themselves look more attractive or desirable. Others do it to hide something about themselves that they think might be a turn-off. Still, others do it because they are afraid of being rejected.

Fact #12: 33% of women have sex on the first date after meeting online

The majority of people think that the first date is just a casual get-to-know-each-other session.

But in reality, up to 33% of women have sex on their first dates after meeting online.

That’s excluding the very first time they meet!

Fact #13: The average person goes on 11 dates before finding a long-term partner

According to a study by eHarmony, the average person goes on 11 dates before finding a long-term partner.

The study also found that the average person has 1.5 serious relationships before finding their soulmate.

Of course, this is just an average and the number of dates and relationships it takes to find a long-term partner can vary greatly from person to person.

Some people may find their soulmate after just a few dates, while others may date for years before finding the right person.

Fact #14: More than 7,500 dating sites exist worldwide

The number of online dating sites is staggering. There are more than 2,500 websites running in the U.S. and 5,000 around the world that are focused on one single thing — meeting someone who is romantically interested in you.

These dating sites have been established around the world in just the last decade. And that’s not even counting the countless mom-and-pop sites, niche websites and niche apps for local networks that have popped up as well.

Fact #15: 48% of online relationships end over email or messaging

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 48% of online relationships end over email or messaging. The study found that the most common reasons for breakups were lack of communication, different expectations, and unrealistic expectations.

Here are some of the reasons why online relationships are more likely to end over email or messaging:

  • Lack of communication: Online relationships are often based on communication through email or messaging, which can make it difficult to build trust and intimacy. It can also be difficult to resolve conflicts when you are not able to communicate face-to-face.
  • Different expectations: People who meet online often have different expectations about what the relationship will be like. For example, one person may be looking for a long-term relationship, while the other may be looking for something more casual. When these expectations are not met, it can lead to conflict and breakup.
  • Unrealistic expectations: Online dating profiles often portray people in a positive light, which can lead to unrealistic expectations. When people meet in person and find that the other person is not as they expected, it can be a disappointment that leads to a breakup.

If you are in an online relationship, it is important to communicate openly and honestly, manage your expectations, and be realistic about what you can expect from the relationship. If you are unable to do these things, it is more likely that the relationship will end.


Alas! Our ride of the most interesting facts about dating comes to an end.

But don’t worry, if you keep these assertions in mind, your dating charm won’t die anytime soon! And, more importantly, when you’re dating someone, observe them beyond their looks and physical strength. Look at their heart and compassion.

What do you think?

Written by Team Factend

Factend is a media property that strives to engage people through news, entertainment, facts, general knowledge, thoughts, and quizzes on a variety of topics like Sports, History, Science and Technology.


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