
20 Interesting Facts About Donald Trump Your Probably Didn’t Know

Interesting Facts About Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the most powerful man in the world — it comes with being the 45th President of the most powerful nation in the world, the United States.

But Trump is not just your conventional politician, he is a multi-billionaire and helms several successful businesses.

Here are some amazing facts about Donald Trump that you probably never heard before.

Interesting Facts About Donald Trump

1. Donald Trump gets his haircut from his wife

Donald Trump gets his haircut from his wife
Donald Trump gets his haircut from his wife. Share on X

Once Trump told Playboy magazine that his wife, Melania Trump gives him a haircut. 

2. Trump has never consumed alcohol

Trump is a teetotaler. Not just alcohol, he has never consumed either drugs or smoked cigarettes. The reason behind this is his brother’s death, who died because of his alcohol addiction in 1982.

3. Donald Trump was sent to military school

Donald Trump was sent to military school

Due to Donald Trump’s bad behaviour, he was sent to military school during his teenage years.

4. Trump also stood in the 2000 presidential election.

He won the California presidential primary for the reform party in 2000.

5. Trump owns thousands of apartments

When Trump was just 27, he owned 14,000 apartments.

6. Trump has filed for bankruptcy 6 times

He never claimed himself bankrupt but was filed for bankruptcy 6 times for his business properties between 1991 to 2009.

7. Trump owns 19 golf courses around the world

Donald Trump at the Trump International Golf Club

Donald Trump is closely associated with Golf. He has played golf with famous golfers and celebrities including Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning.

Trump International Golf Links

He owns 19 golf courses around the world, including 3 that are still under construction. Trump’s golf courses are known for hosting major golf competitions.

8. Trump was an owner of three beauty pageants

He was an owner of three major beauty pageants. Between 1996 and 2015 he owned Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA.

9. Donald tried to sue an author for $5,000,000,000 because he called Trump a millionaire instead of a billionaire.

Donald tried to sue an author
Donald tried to sue an author for $5,000,000,000 because he called Trump a millionaire instead of a billionaire. Share on X

Donald Trump filed a lawsuit against the author of the book TrumpNation, Timothy O’Brien.

The author claimed Donald trumps net worth between $150 million to $200 million. However, Donald Trump and his lawyers were not able to prove that the author committed actual malice.

10. Trump is of German and Scottish ancestry

Trump is of German and Scottish ancestry. Share on X

11. He doesn’t like shaking hands

You will be surprised to know that the current President of the United States of America is a Germaphobe and he doesn’t like to shake hands.


Note: Germaphobes are those who are obsessed with cleanliness and have an extreme fear of germs.

12. 13 cents

Spy Magazine - Donald Trump cheque

SPY Magazine once sent the cheques of 13 cents to some of the world’s richest people to see who would cash them. There were only two people who cashed out the cheque; an arms dealer and Donald Trump.

This one is really surprising amongst all the interesting facts about Donald Trump. Isn’t it?

13. The Controversial Trump

Trump has been sued 3,500 times by his business partners, contractors, clients, banks and employees.

14. Sexual Misconduct

As of 2017, 24 women have accused Donald Trump of inappropriate sexual behaviour in several incidents.

15. Registered Democrat

Between 2001 and 2009, Donald Trump was a registered Democrat.

16. Bankruptcy

Donald Trump never files personal bankruptcy but for business properties, he has filed bankruptcy 6 times. Donald Trump once quipped that “I do play with bankruptcy laws—they are very good for me” as a way of cutting debt. ?

17. Donald Trump is a WWE Fan

Donald Trump WWE

Donald Trump is a huge fan of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). In 2007, he took on Vince McMahon the founder and chairman of the WWE.

18. Donald J. Trump Foundation

Donald J Trump Foundation

Trump started “Donald J. Trump Foundation” in 1988 but was shut down in 2013 by the NY State Attorney General’s office for multiple violations.

19. Sued Bill Maher

Donald Trump sued Bill Maher, an American comedian for calling his father a monkey.

20. The Apprentice

Interesting Facts About Donald Trump - The Apprentice
Donald Trump was paid $375,000 for each episode of the television show “The Apprentice”. Share on X

Donald Trump was paid $375,000 for each episode of the television show “The Apprentice”.

How many of these interesting facts about Donald Trump did you already know? Let us know in the comment section below.

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